Tuesday 7 February 2012

We Are Cardiff: Portrait Of A City

Exciting news. This is the new project we're involved in. It's in its early stages, but work is coming along nicely. Keep checking back for filming updates over the coming months. Here's Helia from We Are Cardiff to explain more:

"We run a website called We Are Cardiff. We invite residents of Cardiff to write about real experiences of living in the city, to provide a lively and more accurate version of the city that we live in than what you’d read in the local papers.
Recently we decided we’d like to take the project to the next level. We want to make We Are Cardiff – the movie!"
Helia Phoenix


1 comment:

  1. Helia,

    Very much like the idea behind this, I'm a former Cardiff resident and would really like to see this being made. I hope you and the team are going to keep the site up to date with progress as there are a large number of ex-pats eager to see the city in a positive light.

    If you wish to get in touch look me up on Google+ (cardiffnorfolkblue / Gareth Williams) - Happy to contribute stories, photographs etc if required.

